Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Any Guild Wars players here?

Started by fireflyry, Feb 02, 2008, 09:49 AM

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Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.


Arg, I had a friend playing that, we fucking lost the guy since then...
Fuck these online games, it justs turns people into no life geeks

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.


I started WoW a couple of weeks back...
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


Quote from: Variable on Feb 04, 2008, 07:13 PM
hmmmm firefly and aenemic both play the same game that only losers with no lives at all play....hmmmm

I might be a loser, but I have a life. how about you, army man? what do you do all day long?
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


Quote from: aenemic on Feb 05, 2008, 11:14 AM
Quote from: Variable on Feb 04, 2008, 07:13 PM
hmmmm firefly and aenemic both play the same game that only losers with no lives at all play....hmmmm

I might be a loser, but I have a life. how about you, army man? what do you do all day long?

besides protect freedom?
"I bet I could throw a football over those mountains"
"Be like Cyn"
Quote from: Variable on May 31, 2008, 09:58 PM
I fucking love Brad Pitt


werd, I fight the war on terror *makes a really mean looking face that would terrorize terrorist*

But yes aenemic, you might play little games where you can pretend that you are a warrior, I live it.  And when I am not out on a combat patrol, I am training a foreign army to take my spot, or I am treating patients both US and Afghan.  And with the little bit of spare time that I have left in my day.  I get on here to relax a bit, get away from it all, and remind you that you suck at life.  But good luck getting your elf to the next level, thats what people with real lives do ::)


I'm glad you're proud of what you do. to me that's all a waste of time and effort, but that's a whole different story. my point was still, besides your work your social life is hanging out on these boards telling people you don't know how much "they suck at life". I don't spend my spare time playing WoW. I play in a number of bands, hang out with different people daily, party a whole lot etc. so who has "a real life"?
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


I spend an hour tops on this board a day.  Probably a lot less.  And if you take into account I have no where to go except like a half a kilometer in each direction to the shitters and chow hall.  No tv, no nothing, thats really not that much time.


God your a dick.

How can someone turn a thread about a PC game into a flame war.....ummm....let's ask Variable.
Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.


aaanyways... is Guild Wars good? I know nothing about it, but it seems popular. is it like all the other mmorpg's?
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


It's better than WoW imo but similar deal.
Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.


some years ago i played the alpha test or something of guildwars.

it was pretty awesome. we just could play the weekends and jsut once a month. so i didnt lose my rl to it. just some weekend :D
much more action than in wow imho, which i tested also with some trial account.

i then decided to buy the first guildwars addon a year ago. but i sold it after a week because i realized that you need all expansion packs and the original game in order to get acces to all classes and all skills. just with guild wars factions i had no chance to build good character. thats a big minus for the game. yeah you dont pay 15 bucks a month or so but you have to invest 150 bucks just to build a good character. it would be ok for me, not to play the other areas etc. but i wanted some pvp fun which was not possible with just guildwars factions.

cool game to play thugh, although the use of your abilities is way to fast imho. just like diablo. no long casting times, just casting like a minigun.


I like how WoW isn't intense action all the time. most battles require a lot of tactics and really thinking about what skills to use and in what order. I definitely don't want to play a game where I just sit and press a button or two as quick as possible.
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


Nah guild wars is pretty skilled based and theres way less grind.

I've been playing it on and off for 2-3 years and it's a good game.Get to max lvl in a day or two and it's all "end-game" content from there.

WoW takes way to long to get to a decent lvl imo and I dislike subscription MMO's.
Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.


Quote from: aenemic on Feb 06, 2008, 11:35 AM
I'm glad you're proud of what you do. to me that's all a waste of time and effort, but that's a whole different story. my point was still, besides your work your social life is hanging out on these boards telling people you don't know how much "they suck at life". I don't spend my spare time playing WoW. I play in a number of bands, hang out with different people daily, party a whole lot etc. so who has "a real life"?

no offense dude. everyone has his own imagination of what is a good life. for example i find your life way too hedonistic. thats no life i could live.