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Writer's "Block"

Started by wither-I, Apr 24, 2008, 12:40 AM

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^ i didnt even see this before its cool man!


"Believe" you are "winning"
and you shall dine on the hearts and inerds of your brother,
tangled in saccharine curtains,
full of muss,
stricken by an "-ism",
held within faith and follie,
of only dying breaths.

made huge,
by the siege of starving ego,
you will only see the night,
as bitter reason,
to further fear what cannot be seen,
and to lust more feverished,
what fails to touch you,
at the height of day.

rest on prayers of fervent desires,
and what worries you most honestly,
and you will be answered,
in a deluge mirage,
of only your own pompous prophecy,
hugging with combed arms,
"moral interpretation of phenomenon"

"coming into the nearness of distance"

samson simpson

masturbate your soul


Quote from: samson simpson on Jun 16, 2008, 04:59 AM
masturbate your soul

through aesthetic self improvement.

render your blessings.

"coming into the nearness of distance"

samson simpson

like a fish with lips and a cripple with unmovable hips
back off from the pot
and actually accept what you sought

you aint the boss of me


thats shits really cool man. do you ever exceed to "break/slam poetry"?

"coming into the nearness of distance"


what annoys me most, is that I write really very very much, but I always write in Lithuanian, that is why I cannot share it with you guys, even trying to translate it to english would destroy one third of the meaning.


Quote from: wither-I on Jun 16, 2008, 04:56 AM
^ i didnt even see this before its cool man!


"Believe" you are "winning"
and you shall dine on the hearts and inerds of your brother,
tangled in saccharine curtains,
full of muss,
stricken by an "-ism",
held within faith and follie,
of only dying breaths.

made huge,
by the siege of starving ego,
you will only see the night,
as bitter reason,
to further fear what cannot be seen,
and to lust more feverished,
what fails to touch you,
at the height of day.

rest on prayers of fervent desires,
and what worries you most honestly,
and you will be answered,
in a deluge mirage,
of only your own pompous prophecy,
hugging with combed arms,
"moral interpretation of phenomenon"

Merci beaucoup and good writings as always!

Quote from: bored on Jun 21, 2008, 09:08 AM
what annoys me most, is that I write really very very much, but I always write in Lithuanian, that is why I cannot share it with you guys, even trying to translate it to english would destroy one third of the meaning.

I wouldn't mind seeing something written in Lithuanian! If it looks/sounds aesthetically good in Lithuanian then that's as good as poetry written in English, I think.


Okay, I'll try. This is going to be one long post..
I do not actually know if you will see the Lithuanian symbols..

something I've written few years ago, during my 'hate the war' times.


kaip Nojaus laivas į dunksančią tylą
plaukiu aš į tamsą;
sušaudytom rankom siekiu aš krantus
ir ieškau - paskendusių jūroj.

dienom ir naktim ieškosiu aš tako
per šviesą - į žvaigždę,
o brėkštant aušrai dainuosim dainas
išvargę po karo.

matysim šviesas kur jų net nebuvę,
girdėsim balsus iš anapus.
plauksim tarp kūnų į upę
- kol išvysiu krantus.

pakelsim taures už matančius naktį,
kad rastume kelią namo.
po karo, neliekant,
išvydus namus.

i more usually write prose.. something in Lithuanian, again. I really hope someone will understand what is written down here. otherwise i'm just flooding! this is quite long..

Quote2007.11.29 20:05:33
taškų debesys nukloja mano krūtinės ląstos vidinę pusę,
raudoną ir įkaitusią, laukiančią kažko magiško ir fantastiško.
atlošiu galvą, paleidžiu akis bėgioti po lubas, išmargintas zebru.

drambliai. eilė dramblių, susikabinusių uodegomis ir straubliais,
amžinai disku einančių dykuma. dykuma, kurioje saulė reiškia mirtį,
o lašas vandens yra absurdiško gyvenimo raktas.

kiekvienas dramblių ant nugaros neša po piramidę..
tobulą, matematiškai ir simboliškai nugludintą, aukso piramidę.
kiekvienoje iš piramidžių gyvena tūkstančiai visatų.. pasaulių..

sistemų.. saulių.. planetų.. tūkstančiai esybių, panašių į mane.
gyvenančių panašius gyvenimus, besisukančių aplink jų saules,
jų pastatus ir metalo gabalus.. o aš sėdžiu čia ir žiūriu į lubas.

tai panašu į letargo miegą, išties. lyg kažkas laikytų tave išjungtą.
sapnuoji atmerktomis akimis, vargiai suprasdamas, kas vyksta.
manai pabudęs, o tai - tik dar vieno sapno pradžia. kažkokio..

tai panašu ir į dramblių kelionę dykuma. lyg skęstum smėlyje.
mirties saulės šviesoje matytum iliuzijas ir vizijas.. miražus..
tačiau nei vieno iš jų nepaliestum.. nes jie kažkur pernelyg toli.

drambliai, besileidžiant saulei, transformuojasi į tylias gyvates.
į vieną ilgą gyvatę, neturinčią pradžios ar pabaigos, galvos ar uodegos.
ribą, tarp šios jos pusės, ir kitos, net jei tai neturi prasmės..

tyliai iškvėpiu. jaučiu dykumos būgnų ritmą savo širdyje, smegenyse;
mano akys jau senai užmerktos.. kai kurių dalykų juk nematyti atsimerkus.
dangus temsta; viskas, kas lieka realu - besileidžiančios saulės raudonis.

gyvatė, saulei pasiekus absurdiškai žemą tašką, tapo riba.. riba,
tarp juodo ir smėlio spalvos fonų. čia ir ten, nesuprasta ir suprasta,
pažįstama ir nepažįstama, čia ir ten, čia ir ten, čia - ir - ten.

mano akys susilieja į vieną, aukštesnę, įstrigusią kaktoje, viduryje,
nebelieka kambario, manęs, lubų. lieka tik vienas taškas tarp juodo -
ir smėlio spalvos fonų. vienas taškas, nepriklausantis jokiai pusei.

kurį laiką taškas tik kybo dvimatėje erdvėje tarp čia ir ten;
vėliau taškas ima keisti formą, jis plastiškai juda, ieškodamas -
ieškodamas tinkamos formos, kol pagaliau išsirenka piramidę.

juoda ir smėlio, dabar jau tapusio aukso dulkėmis, spalvos pakyla,
užlieja piramidę, kol ši tampa išbaigta - kybanti virš dramblio,

-dramblio, esančio viduryje dykumos;
--dykumos, esančios viduryje planetos;
---planetos, esančios viduryje sistemos;
----sistemos, esančios viduryje visatos;
-----ir visatos, esančios viduryje piramidės;
------piramidės, esančios ant dramblio nugaros;

to pačio, kuris jau kažkurį kartą žengia mano vizija.
ir taip be pabaigos,

54°55' - 23°59'.
sukantis ratais pagal ašį gali perlaužti bet ką. netgi laiką.
gali sugrįžti kiek tik nori atgal. kiek reikia. kiek trokšti.
bet tik galvoje.. tik galvoje. el cielo, akyse, galvoje, lunatizme.

oh well. here goes the flood.. :)


i wish i could understand. you have always seemed like a very creative, and talented fellow..

it looks beautiful though!

"coming into the nearness of distance"


well I decided not to translate those two, here - just something I wrote not long ago, prose, again.

every fifty-one seconds a bright light flashes above my head.

..every fifty-one seconds something inverts my world for a moment, switches the warm silence on and obliterates the foreign radiance. every light behind the window vanishes for that one little moment, like the stars hidden beneath the clouds.. leaving that blank black hole above.. it sometimes gives me my dreams, but only those nights when I am unable to see the black light, reappearing every fifty-one seconds.

in that exact moment of the Opaque, the trees always cast shadows on rampant grass - the same grass under which our own flesh and blood is hidden, and where our silent enemies lie forgotten and decayed - unable to experience those things, happening every fifty-one seconds. when the black light flashes, you can see the bodies walking backwards and forwards - you will never see them in the blank daylight; - only when this one little second reoccurs you may witness their soft outline and everchanging shape.

those are the images of the blind; - the blind namely every fifty-one seconds open their eyes and see deserts, clouds, oceans and forests; everything they've heard so much about, every sky, piece of earth or existence in general - only theirs, the blind. - - - and I am one of the blind.

and I know, that every moment I could open my eyes and see the whole picture, every layer of it, so intense and complete. experience the Everything, but I chose not to see, I chose to experience the Completeness only every fifty-one seconds. this way that one moment becomes alive, fulfilled and meaningful in this long blank night.

every fifty-one seconds a light crosses my mind, like a message sent from an inverted lighthouse, which spreads that message to anyone who is waiting at the bottom of their oceans, waiting for something more to happen, every fifty-one seconds. i know - i counted.

..and yet, every fifty-one seconds a light disappears from my ceiling completely, I then focus on the horizon and wait for all of the things that will happen to me in those forthcoming sleepless nights. again, again, and again.


wow, it's translates brilliantly to English, it's impressive and poetic in English and looks good in Lithuanian as well *gets out Lithuanian pronounciation guide*

very dense and prosy, I like it

dude, you are accomplished, my admiration.


Quote from: theshadeisatool on Jun 23, 2008, 11:01 AM
wow, it's translates brilliantly to English, it's impressive and poetic in English and looks good in Lithuanian as well *gets out Lithuanian pronounciation guide*

very dense and prosy, I like it

dude, you are accomplished, my admiration.

thank you very much for your compliments :)
i will try to translate even more of my writings here. i've been writing for, I guess, about 5-6 years now (usually writing something every day). Most usually prose, only, like, 9-10 poems. When it gets to writing poems, in my own opinion I rhyme pretty good, I know the structure, but when I start to write it, usually it's some sort of struggle to put everything into the scheme.  I'm prose kind of guy.


Quote from: theshadeisatool on Jun 23, 2008, 11:01 AM
wow, it's translates brilliantly to English, it's impressive and poetic in English and looks good in Lithuanian as well *gets out Lithuanian pronounciation guide*

very dense and prosy, I like it

dude, you are accomplished, my admiration.

"coming into the nearness of distance"





I am capricious
an aberration
impossible to determine
the exception
a loophole

I climb with no guideline
willing to fall for freedom
unchained my ankles, wrists
connected to no wall
burdened by no yoke
a stone

Though i press on
dawn taunts
beckoning from curved planes
signal sent through atomic collisions
origination indeterminate
details withheld

Anywhere is always better than here
until im there
before its then
when it was
now its done
and next is coming
i drink your milkshake


something of less importance

..and everything is shaking, and all the objects growing from the split ground are trembling.
the sound is so intense and yet that fragile -- you can feel the vibrant air, a fluid mass of warm noise. it pierces you, shaking every element inside of you, reconstructing you apart. close your eyes and imagine thousands of stars, shining above you, in that darkest sky we all approach. all those stars, still airing the past, a dense and rhythmic layer of light that is still piercing our eyelids. billions of outbursts in the deep sky, coincidences, that brought this empty space to becoming filled with light and warmth.. otherwise I would still be stuck in a blank black night.

I imagine my sleep should be pictured just like this endless music, filled with thousands of worlds and repetitions in those worlds, a perpetual deja vu; an endless spiral, my map of travelling. a blank space which contains everything my eyes would invent.

thick and solid layer of reverbant sound.. a wall of noise; in my head.


i havent been here in a while.  hi everybody.  how's the carpal tunnel?
machete!  meow


Quote from: occipudding on Jul 03, 2008, 05:48 AM
i havent been here in a while.  hi everybody.  how's the carpal tunnel?

Hey dude! Come back and post some!

The syndrome is ever present.

