Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

Diamond Eyes Elimination (Round 5)

Started by Penicks, Jun 04, 2010, 05:46 PM

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My thoughts exactly.  I guess if I would have said it like that, instead of just stating my opinion, I could have avoided offending the self designated deftones annalist. 

Honesty, I don't really like every time that Chino tries to put a melody into certain songs ( like Royal ).  I think sometimes he tries to be too melodic when he should be more brutal to fit the song better. 


Quote from: Variable on Jun 07, 2010, 10:51 AM
And you're right.  Fucking chicks in the ass is pretty damn gay.  

About as gay as Deftones fans wanting to watch a Deftones interview.


I didnt like the song to much when I first heard it either. It wasn't until I read the lyrics that I really started digging it.  


Quote from: Vesanic on Jun 07, 2010, 10:55 AM
Quote from: Inkblades on Jun 07, 2010, 07:37 AM
Quote from: Variable on Jun 07, 2010, 07:20 AM
Every time I listen to Royal I skip straight to the last min of the song.  The rest of it.... OK at best. 

Completely worthless opinion as usual. At least you're consistent, though.

Dude, chill out.


Quote from: Variable on Jun 07, 2010, 01:58 PM
My thoughts exactly.  I guess if I would have said it like that, instead of just stating my opinion, I could have avoided offending the self designated deftones annalist.  

You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to disagree with it.


Anyway it looks like another of my favorites from the album is going to be knocked out.  That's a shame. 


ok i retract my previous statement Deftones are in fact a diverse band and while i may love royal others may not.


I realize I'm a "pink maggit" and I know why now........
Because if i could stand to conversate with half of these angry children with no other lives besides Deftones and being fanboys (which most can't admit) I'd be a "global moderator" or "elite" but I choose to stay a peasant in sharing lungs and keep my opinion to the person it only matters to. Why don't other people try this instead of kissing some dick's ass from overseas and get what you need outta here and not give these guys who look like Chino (in their own way) a chance to have something to do to pass through their boooooooooring lives? You can tell when they get offended by your "opinion". It's pitiful. Peace to all the good peeps here though, sorry - had to let that one rip finally.
Pushing you back but still you ain't goooooooooone!!!!!!


Quote from: DEFinatelydeftones,fsho on Jun 08, 2010, 02:53 AM
I realize I'm a "pink maggit" and I know why now........
Because if i could stand to conversate with half of these angry children with no other lives besides Deftones and being fanboys (which most can't admit) I'd be a "global moderator" or "elite" but I choose to stay a peasant in sharing lungs and keep my opinion to the person it only matters to. Why don't other people try this instead of kissing some dick's ass from overseas and get what you need outta here and not give these guys who look like Chino (in their own way) a chance to have something to do to pass through their boooooooooring lives? You can tell when they get offended by your "opinion". It's pitiful. Peace to all the good peeps here though, sorry - had to let that one rip finally.

Well, to be fair, it wouldnt be much of a forum kinda thing if ppl kept their opinions to themselves. A lot less threads and discussions. Personally I like it. Some ppl are arrogant in their beliefs, but whatcha gonna do?


Quote from: DEFinatelydeftones,fsho on Jun 08, 2010, 02:53 AM
I realize I'm a "pink maggit" and I know why now........
Because if i could stand to conversate with half of these angry children with no other lives besides Deftones and being fanboys (which most can't admit) I'd be a "global moderator" or "elite" but I choose to stay a peasant in sharing lungs and keep my opinion to the person it only matters to. Why don't other people try this instead of kissing some dick's ass from overseas and get what you need outta here and not give these guys who look like Chino (in their own way) a chance to have something to do to pass through their boooooooooring lives? You can tell when they get offended by your "opinion". It's pitiful. Peace to all the good peeps here though, sorry - had to let that one rip finally.


daaaaaaaaaamn son! lol


It's hilarious that you are talking about keeping your opinion to yourself all the while stating an opinion. As Shade said, this is what people do on a message board. Yes, I perhaps came off as arrogant and harsh but that is just the rapport I have with Variable. If you don't think he can't also be a nasty bugger, go check his track record. I'm not offended by his opinion. I simply, if vehemently, disagree with it and am letting it be known. It sounds like you are more offended that people are *gasp!* arguing on the internet. O Jeebus, anything but that!

Also, you're a "pink maggit" not because you don't choose to argue (even though you are arguing right now) but because you registered here two months ago.

Oh, and just to get you all riled up some more:

Royal > Variable's life


SX King

Quote from: TheShade1989 on Jun 08, 2010, 03:03 AM
Quote from: DEFinatelydeftones,fsho on Jun 08, 2010, 02:53 AM
I realize I'm a "pink maggit" and I know why now........
Because if i could stand to conversate with half of these angry children with no other lives besides Deftones and being fanboys (which most can't admit) I'd be a "global moderator" or "elite" but I choose to stay a peasant in sharing lungs and keep my opinion to the person it only matters to. Why don't other people try this instead of kissing some dick's ass from overseas and get what you need outta here and not give these guys who look like Chino (in their own way) a chance to have something to do to pass through their boooooooooring lives? You can tell when they get offended by your "opinion". It's pitiful. Peace to all the good peeps here though, sorry - had to let that one rip finally.

Well, to be fair, it wouldnt be much of a forum kinda thing if ppl kept their opinions to themselves. A lot less threads and discussions. Personally I like it. Some ppl are arrogant in their beliefs, but whatcha gonna do?

Well said Shade. I may be an angry deftones fan but i am NOT a fanboy lol



Quote from: DEFinatelydeftones,fsho on Jun 08, 2010, 02:53 AM
I realize I'm a "pink maggit" and I know why now........
Because if i could stand to conversate with half of these angry children with no other lives besides Deftones and being fanboys (which most can't admit) I'd be a "global moderator" or "elite" but I choose to stay a peasant in sharing lungs and keep my opinion to the person it only matters to. Why don't other people try this instead of kissing some dick's ass from overseas and get what you need outta here and not give these guys who look like Chino (in their own way) a chance to have something to do to pass through their boooooooooring lives? You can tell when they get offended by your "opinion". It's pitiful. Peace to all the good peeps here though, sorry - had to let that one rip finally.
You might want to check your sources before you call anyone around here a child.  Also you might try learning how to correspond like an adult before you call someone a child.  I got confused for a second and thought I was reading an essay from a 5th grader instead of a post from such a mature adult on SL. 

Also, who are you to call anybody a fanboy?  You ended that pathetic ( and I truly mean pathetic ) rant with "ROYAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like a complete and moronic deftones fanboy.  Then one has to look no further than your user name and personal quote to go ahead and confirm the suspicion that you are in fact a fanboy.  You give off all the classic signs and symptoms of a 15 year old loser.  So if that's not true ( even though I'm pretty sure it is ) you have some image reform of your own to do before you become critical of any of us.

Oh, and as previously stated.  This is a message board.  People talk, a lot.  People talk about all kinds of stupid stuff, a lot.  If that bothers you, I would go ahead and just avoid the social networking scene all together. 

But hey, at least you gave me and Inkblades something to agree on. 


Quote from: Inkblades on Jun 07, 2010, 05:05 PM
Quote from: Variable on Jun 07, 2010, 01:58 PM
My thoughts exactly.  I guess if I would have said it like that, instead of just stating my opinion, I could have avoided offending the self designated deftones annalist. 

You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to disagree with it.
indeed, and I'm entitled to tell you that you're and idiot ( and I have a sneaking suspicion that you will be entitles to call me something back! )
Quote from: Inkblades on Jun 08, 2010, 03:39 AM
Royal > Variable's life
This is actually a good point though.  Most intelligent thing I have heard from you in a while.  Who are you again BTW?  I remember talking to you something like years ago and pissing you off, but I know I haven't talked to you in quite some time.  I want to know what I did to you on SL that was so emotionally scaring that after all this time, you are still so obviously upset about?


Can someone else please vote for risk so that sextape doesn't get thrown out and we have a deciding Risk VS Sextape round?


Maybe we man make a motion seeing as how I meant to vote for risk, but accidentally voted for prince.


Who am I again? Some random person on the internet.

Yeah, we gotta make sure Sextape stays on the list. After all, it is the most brutal and non-melodic song on the album.