Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

My Band Plays the Horseshoe

Started by peterdigiacomo, Jul 17, 2014, 09:00 PM

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Pretty big stuff here. We got chosen by a radio station (Indie88 Toronto) to play at the iconic venue, The Horseshoe Tavern. Basically the Rolling Stones, Neil Young, and pretty much any big band to come to Toronto has played there.

Check it out and tell me what you think!


36 views and no replies? I would love to here what you guys have to say about the performance.


Well this is depressing lol, no comments :(

An bád dubh

I checked out the show. Well, I can tell you why people dont comment to the show here: People dont probably care much for it /the tastes are a bit on the heavier side on this board). Also, youre a new guy here so people dont feel that they want to put time on it.

My thoughts:

- Overall performance was good, the singer being the star of the band and the show. The band besides that didnt really show much interest in the show. The guitarist was great but you could have a second guitar in there to bring something interesting into the mix besides the singer. With that said, the singer has a nice range for any type of music. Great enthusiasm too. Im not saying that he should find another band but I dont know, he could make the others more involved. He could also find some own thing that he does on top of all he is doing right now. Something that is different from the stuff that similar bands' lead singers do/sound like. Not sure if you guys are just doing it as a hobby or if youre trying to actually make it big time.

- Your music wasnt really that interesting to me. I used to be a big fan of Deftones, RATM, Project 86 etc, of which I think your music is a combination of.  With the type of music you are playing I would nowadays expect more catchy riffs and choruses. Maybe you had them but I just didnt hear it. Maybe a studio recording would represent your music more. I tried to search for some studio  recordings but only found a 90s band from The Netherlands with the same name.

- Overall, great job with writing your own songs and performing them professionally! Thats more than most of us others can ever imagine to do. I have no idea waht your songs are about so I can only judge them very superficially through the actual music and performance

Just my thoughts. Keep it up!


I'll just give you a bit of forum advice.

Others will find it annoying if you constantly post in your topic (or any topic) to ask why no one is replying. I used to do that on the other forum I use.


^^^ Absolutely, and quite frankly I don't care if people find it annoying. I only got to play at the Horseshoe once, and if people find it annoying that I post three times to get some feedback, I really don't care. I'm not new to this forum game so I know how it is, just new here.

Thanks for the in-depth comment, An Bad dubh. I am the singer of the band, and looking to broaden my range and style. I've heard some very good things from the show, and looking at it now, my band does need to get into it a lot more. We've only been together for about 6 months and this was our 3rd show together. We have nothing recorded yet, as the studio is so fucking expensive -_- but will get there eventually. As of right now, we are doing it as a hobby, as I've always wanted to be in a band (my first band), but we have a anything can happen mentality so we are striving to become really good.


Dude what's stopping you from recording something yourself? anyone with a computer and some basic gear can make decent recordings these days, the whole studio idea is a pretty outdated concept nowadays you should try maybe doing something yourself before commiting to the studio fees.


Quote from: DeftonesNZ on Jul 28, 2014, 04:40 AM
Dude what's stopping you from recording something yourself? anyone with a computer and some basic gear can make decent recordings these days, the whole studio idea is a pretty outdated concept nowadays you should try maybe doing something yourself before commiting to the studio fees.

What he said.


Yeah I agree, its just some of the band members have an idea that if we are going to do something, we got to do it right. We have recording equipment, a lot of it actually, but haven't gotten around to recording. We will eventually.

Thank you guys for the comments.



black coffee

Having that "if we are going to do something, we got to do it right" statement of yours in mind, I have no idea why you would put something online that was probably recorded with a smartphone, and why you believe people should listen to this even though there are thousands of bands out there that made decent recordings in their basement or practice room.


Quote from: An bád dubh on Jul 25, 2014, 08:24 AM
I checked out the show. Well, I can tell you why people dont comment to the show here: People dont probably care much for it /the tastes are a bit on the heavier side on this board). Also, youre a new guy here so people dont feel that they want to put time on it.

My thoughts:

- Overall performance was good, the singer being the star of the band and the show. The band besides that didnt really show much interest in the show. The guitarist was great but you could have a second guitar in there to bring something interesting into the mix besides the singer. With that said, the singer has a nice range for any type of music. Great enthusiasm too. Im not saying that he should find another band but I dont know, he could make the others more involved. He could also find some own thing that he does on top of all he is doing right now. Something that is different from the stuff that similar bands' lead singers do/sound like. Not sure if you guys are just doing it as a hobby or if youre trying to actually make it big time.

- Your music wasnt really that interesting to me. I used to be a big fan of Deftones, RATM, Project 86 etc, of which I think your music is a combination of.  With the type of music you are playing I would nowadays expect more catchy riffs and choruses. Maybe you had them but I just didnt hear it. Maybe a studio recording would represent your music more. I tried to search for some studio  recordings but only found a 90s band from The Netherlands with the same name.

- Overall, great job with writing your own songs and performing them professionally! Thats more than most of us others can ever imagine to do. I have no idea waht your songs are about so I can only judge them very superficially through the actual music and performance

Just my thoughts. Keep it up!
Just watched it my thoughts exactly, your band needs more energy you do well moving around the stage and interacting with the crowd but both the guitarists have the stage presence of a tree, they seem really nervous and just sort of stare at each other like they're really concerned about how they look instead of just really getting into the music. Your musicianships good obviously I don't know how the songs are the meant to go but you the songs sound well rehearsed, the style of the music itself feels a bit outdated though as mentioned it reminds alot of the late 90's early 2000's stuff thats moved on but i'm sure as you spend more time together you will carve out your own sound, maybe try introducing some texture with some light use of synths or more abstract guitar sounds, it just like it could benefit from a bit more depth and contrast sonically. Overall though pretty good you've got a decent voice and good stage precence and your bands sounds pretty tight you just need to develop something different in your sound thats going to make you stand out from all the other bands you'll need to compete with.


Thank you guys. I appreciate all the constructive criticism, rather than the hate on the music. This was our biggest show yet, and I wanted to show the video around just to get an idea of what people thought. I didn't mean to offend anyone by posting this here or triple posting. I just wanted to see what people thought. I saw skinnypuppy's comment before he edited it and deleted it and found it quite funny how he was insulting me even though I'm sure he hasn't ever performed in front of more than 20 people. Either way, if you get offended or annoyed at someone trying to put out his music, whether it was a live show (that wasn't recorded with a smartphone, sorry we don't have the funds to hire professional video tapers or multi-camera or pro-sound technology) or a future recording, I'm not sure what the big deal is. This is a Deftones forum. I am a die-hard Deftones fan, and seeing that our music sounds similar to their style, along with other popular bands, I thought I would just post here to hear some feedback.

My drummer needs to pound the drums more, that's apparent, but he hasn't even been playing for a year now. Our bassist is kind of robotic, but he's a good friend of mine, and has some good moves he shows off live that didn't come well off the video. Our guitarist is a very good player, and I think he does well for what he does. And as the vocalist, I give it my all on stage, whether it'd be my screaming, cleans, interaction with the audience, and my movement.

Thank you for the constructive comments.

black coffee

Quote from: peterdigiacomo on Jul 29, 2014, 09:05 PM
(that wasn't recorded with a smartphone, sorry we don't have the funds to hire professional video tapers or multi-camera or pro-sound technology) or a future recording

Quote from: peterdigiacomo on Jul 28, 2014, 09:37 PM
We have recording equipment, a lot of it actually


I believe the recording technology was in response to my question about why they don't record a demo at home themselves, I don't think he meant cameras or things for live recording.


Quote from: black coffee on Jul 30, 2014, 11:47 AM
Quote from: peterdigiacomo on Jul 29, 2014, 09:05 PM
(that wasn't recorded with a smartphone, sorry we don't have the funds to hire professional video tapers or multi-camera or pro-sound technology) or a future recording

Quote from: peterdigiacomo on Jul 28, 2014, 09:37 PM
We have recording equipment, a lot of it actually

Do I need to get into the details now?

My bassist has recording equipment, mics and some other shit, I'm not very educated about it. The fact that no we don't have anyone hired to record for us, and the fact that we brought all of our instruments to the venue means that there was not much time to record the set professionally.

Black coffee, have you ever played a show before? Do you even know how to play an instrument or sing? How about this, I'll pay you 20 bucks to come to Canada and record or next show so you can sleep better at night. Deal? Sweet.

Thanks Mr. V, who did you see at the Horseshoe?


Quote from: DeftonesNZ on Jul 30, 2014, 08:55 PM
I believe the recording technology was in response to my question about why they don't record a demo at home themselves, I don't think he meant cameras or things for live recording.

Yes that is what I meant.


Quote from: MrVesanique on Jul 30, 2014, 09:13 PM
And So I Watch You From Afar, and Mono
Lucky Mono especially would be beautiful live


Quote from: peterdigiacomo on Jul 29, 2014, 09:05 PM
I saw skinnypuppy's comment before he edited it and deleted it and found it quite funny how he was insulting me even though I'm sure he hasn't ever performed in front of more than 20 people. Either way, if you get offended or annoyed at someone trying to put out his music, whether it was a live show (that wasn't recorded with a smartphone, sorry we don't have the funds to hire professional video tapers or multi-camera or pro-sound technology) or a future recording, I'm not sure what the big deal is.

Listen up, bud, I removed my comment because sometimes I can be a little too straightforward, blunt and offensive. In all sincerity, I am sorry for my harsh words. However, you're shooting yourself in the foot left and right here - Why? Because it doesn't matter if we've ever played in front of 20 people before. It's completely irrelevant. We're offering suggestions, and you're rejecting them.  We're giving you good advice and you don't want it.  Bands should not perform live shows before they have a decent demo. Simple as that. Even worse, sharing that mediocre show to strangers and asking for their advice is even worse.  Watch youtube for what a good live show looks and sounds like. I've never performed in front of 20 people, nor have I tried to. It's irrelevant. I know 'good' and 'bad' or 'good recording sound' or 'bad recording sound' or 'good live performance' or 'bad live performance' - So does almost everyone here on the board, as Deftones have a lot of great shows and a lot of bad shows.

If you have the recording technology to make a good recording (non-live), DO IT. Show us THAT. A mediocre live recording with horrible audio is the absolute worst way to represent yourself.  And if you're truly going to try and belittle me based off whether I've played in front of 20 people or not, please allow me to back it up with stating that I've been in the background of the music industry for 11 years, doing sales, marketing, management, artist day to day, A&R, social media and artist dev. My honest advice is to throw in the towel. The way you represent yourself, your band, and interact with strangers is dreadful.  You'll never be noticed or taken seriously like this. This is the best advice you'll EVER get, because it will save you years and thousands of dollars and wasted time.

Now, if for instance, you want to check your head and chill out and take some advice, then both myself and this board is here to help, which is an offer that doesn't come up very often if you ask me.

black coffee

Quote from: DeftonesNZ on Jul 30, 2014, 08:55 PM
I believe the recording technology was in response to my question about why they don't record a demo at home themselves, I don't think he meant cameras or things for live recording.

and I never said anything about live recording in the first place. I wrote that the footage was probably recorded with a smartphone, which would explain the crappy audio.
The video looks okay, but why shouldn't it when even the worst smartphone today has more than 10 megapixels already.

peterdigiacomo it appears to me you find it hard to deal with criticism and the thing you maybe need to understand is people are doing you a favor listening to your band, not the other way round.

There are so many bands that invested time, work and sweat to put something out there that is worth listening to. Its not about the cost of equipment because a lot can be done with very little like a laptop, mic and music software.. its about you taking the easy path just putting your low quality footage on youtube and writing on message boards about it.