Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community

The +/- thread!

Started by raynor, Jun 22, 2004, 10:15 PM

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Quote from: Cool Mountaineer on Sep 17, 2010, 08:10 AM
Quote from: lostpilot on Sep 16, 2010, 09:37 AM
+ in irony, I told this guy yesterday that if I died at any time right now, I would feel kinda good with that because I took the most of my life that I could. just a tthought

did you feel that same way when you thought you were going to die ?

I almost died earlier this year.. and despite what thoughts and notions I had about dying ( most of them were like " fuck it , if it happens it happens " ) when I knew and felt it was about to happen I was really scared and wanted to stay. I wasnt scared like a little kid seeing a clown fucking a horse, but scared like " Im leaving this motherfucker without really doing or finishing what I was put here for"...whatever that may be.

Its one thing to conceive death and another to embrace it.

yes I wanted to stay. but if I would not, I would still be in peace.

Guys, I am reaching a new way of living here. I had never been this peaceful and harmonic with the world. It has a lot to do with turks, the people that are here and just the way they live.. It's incredible. I am reexperiencing the essence of life - I had known it when I was a child but forgot it when I blocked myself with useless items and social rules.

Peace and love!


Re-experiencing the essence of life... in Turkey. wat


I've been having a spiritual breakthrough myself here lately. I've been watching and reading so much about atlantis and brotherhood of space people and shit and to make a long story short I love everyone and everything, all positive and all negative because they are all experiences we need to grow as souls, thats why we are on earth to begin with. To experience and love unconditionally.

It's a lot better than being pissed off all the time.


- swedish politics
pray nightfall release me
then i could wander, wander to deep sleep


Quote from: SX King on Sep 16, 2010, 05:14 AM
-  Am pretty sure im going through a mid midlife crisis

I feel the same way. I am only 22.

- I start my final year of University next week and I'm starting to think that I am doing the wrong course but it's too late now. I don't know where my life is headed atm and it worries me a little. Will probably finish my year at Uni, get some shitty job and save some smash to go travelling around the world for a bit and then decide what to do with my life after...

- /+ The thought of leaving home and moving into my own flat next summer excites and scares me at the same time.


+ things are good
+/- money, hope I balance it right
+ new flat is new, room is big, lots of place, nice people, nice place (just by the University - no time needed to wake up earlier etc)
+ experiences
+ people
- fears, expectations and realizing consequences

SX King

Quote from: Starz on Sep 20, 2010, 12:23 AM
Quote from: SX King on Sep 16, 2010, 05:14 AM
-  Am pretty sure im going through a mid midlife crisis

I feel the same way. I am only 22.

- I start my final year of University next week and I'm starting to think that I am doing the wrong course but it's too late now. I don't know where my life is headed atm and it worries me a little. Will probably finish my year at Uni, get some shitty job and save some smash to go travelling around the world for a bit and then decide what to do with my life after...

- /+ The thought of leaving home and moving into my own flat next summer excites and scares me at the same time.

Well im glad someone out there can relate to me. I decided i was going to move out of my parents as soon as i turned 18 and was halfway through senior year.  I managed to graduate early and had a shitty dishwashing job until i decided a year later that enough was enough. So now ive been back at my parents for almost 2 years and havent accomplished shit. Which is pretty much all my fault. Im turning 21 next month i have no license, no job, live far away from all my friends, and im not in college. Fucking pathetic. Only good thing is that i have done i complete 180 from who i use to be and have really rediscovered myself. I hope everything works out for u man. I know what it feels like to not know where ur headed.




+++ Hard party until 4:40am
+ Just woke up
+ Pizza,Beers and PS3
+ Sharktopus tonite !


- no shit tickets


+ The Deftones are coming to New Zealand.
Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.


I always thought you were american, mang


+ builiding a humble recording studio to make the best record ever (in my country-s history, of course)


+ went to a job interview today
- quick fix is illegal in my state now. fucking wonderful.
- drug test tomorrow


+ met a girl
- total fucking basket case


+ got my tickets to see 30STM on Halloween
+ I can die a happy girl now

SX King

+ Epiphone Les Paul Ultra 2 for my birthday


+++++++++++++ I made Lasagna with my gf and it was delicious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ Amazing night
+ Im slowly becoming a better chef
+ Everyone on SL invited to eat lasagna at my place !!! LOL

sing blue silver

+best friends giant birthday bash tonight
+no work tomorrow
+montreal to see massive attack and hang out with some good people next week
-starting to get sick

sing blue silver

+ got coheed and cambria played on the radio here
+++++++ seeing black label society, children of bodom and CLUTCH (!!!!!!) tonight.