Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community


Started by therealdaebat, Jan 27, 2016, 06:39 PM

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Quote from: jaypayton on Feb 29, 2016, 12:15 AM
..please stop trying to tell me KNY is just as heavy and aggressive an album as ATF or sound foolish

Heavy: KNY, "Royal", "Kimdracula"
Aggressive: Adrenaline, "My Own Summer"

Maybe you only have heard a few other bands in your lifetime to understand

Not sure if you're familiar with slower music without screaming singers that can classify as "heavy" but there's thousands of bands that don't have a screamy singer who are heavy as living fuck

Obvious you want screaming music, not going to happen anymore with Deftones

sing blue silver

I feel like I'm already kinda tiring from Prayers/Triangles. It's good but I just find myself wanting to listen to other things. We need a second song already. Weezer has 4 new songs out for an album coming April 1st. It's been kind of a boring rollout with this album.


Quote from: sing blue silver on Feb 29, 2016, 11:29 PM
I feel like I'm already kinda tiring from Prayers/Triangles. It's good but I just find myself wanting to listen to other things. We need a second song already. Weezer has 4 new songs out for an album coming April 1st. It's been kind of a boring rollout with this album.

I actually do not want another single until the album comes out.  I always end up playing the singles out and then skipping them when the album comes out.  I just want to hear the whole album the way it's meant to be heard.  Some of the older albums, I can listen to and know exactly what song is coming next because I've played them so many times without skipping songs.  I miss those days.


Quote from: rainnyx4 on Feb 29, 2016, 08:34 PM
LOL @ Chino crooning to get girls wet.

This band hasn't been commercially successful enough to "get girls wet" for over a decade. Also, the dude looks like a morbidly obese chipmunk nowadays.

Chino has probably laid more pipe to tens then you have even ever dreamed about. I always see smoking hot tatted up chicks hash tagging Deftones on twitter. I am sure the other dudes have had their way with smoking hot chicks as well.


This thread is embarrassing. 


Quote from: rainnyx4 on Feb 29, 2016, 08:34 PM
LOL @ Chino crooning to get girls wet.

This band hasn't been commercially successful enough to "get girls wet" for over a decade. Also, the dude looks like a morbidly obese chipmunk nowadays.

The best thing about this band has always been their diversity of sound. I love all of the different moods, tempos, and aural experiences they provide. As long as the albums present a blend of songs featuring a variety of dynamics and it's written in an artistically stimulating and thought provoking way, I'll be happy. I love the heavy stuff and the soft stuff (and even the weird electronic experimental stuff they do like Pink Cellphone, Lucky You, Teenager, etc.) but if it went all the way in one direction, even if it was written extremely well, I'd be disappointed by the lack of variety because that's what has always made this band the best in the world. Give me a couple of straight really heavy songs, a couple of straight soft/experimental songs, and a bunch featuring a combination of both and that's an experience.


End of discussion, really.


Quote from: HooiserBowhunter on Mar 01, 2016, 01:10 AM
I always see smoking hot tatted up chicks hash tagging Deftones on twitter.

Nothing hot about trashy, tatted up chicks, STS.


Quote from: sing blue silver on Feb 29, 2016, 11:29 PM
I feel like I'm already kinda tiring from Prayers/Triangles. It's good but I just find myself wanting to listen to other things. We need a second song already. Weezer has 4 new songs out for an album coming April 1st. It's been kind of a boring rollout with this album.

Four songs would be too much, though. Imagine already hearing that many songs off the album, it'd ruin it. One more song and I'll be happy, it'll be an easier wait. Not long until the album is out, just over a month, so a second song should drop any day now, and then it's not too long until a brand new album.


This whole trend of releasing four or five songs prior to an album's release is ridiculous. You have nothing left to promote single-wise once the record actually gets released. Plus, the download generation is incredibly fickle, so by the time the album drops, people have already lost interest in the stuff that's been released and the album essentially vanishes without a trace.

Some examples:

The Cure's last album (4:13 Dream) had four singles released off it in the four months leading up to the album. Once the album was released, no more singles were lifted to promote it and the album stalled at 16,000 copies or something. That's atrocious for a band of their stature, even in the modern day.

More recently, the Bloodhound Gang returned with their first new album in over a decade. They released five singles off the record up to a year before it was released, and when the album is finally unveiled, it's got 11 songs on it. Five of which were already released long ago and were way past their sell-by date.

I'm all for Deftones only releasing P/T before April 8th. The majority of their fanbase is bitching about the song anyway, so make them wait for the rest like it used to be 15 years ago. By the time the album is released (provided it doesn't leak weeks ahead of time), fans will be willing to pay twice the retail price just to finally get their hands on it, lol


I think two singles is good. Four is just crazy. People always talk about overplaying songs, and if you have four songs released, that's like an EP, you have a bunch of new songs from a band you love to listen to absorb, analyse, etc. Only the most patient of people would be able to stop themselves playing those songs enough that they ruin the album. Because then you can't listen to the album as a whole, you'll be skipping songs you've heard 100 times before.

A lot of bands stream their whole album a little bit before the release date, but I think that's to take the power out of it leaking, and it's not that long before the release date, so it doesn't really matter.

King Leer


Can we delete this and start a new Gore thread?


This is what happens before EVERY Deftones album. We bicker and argue about dumb shit loosely related to the band and their upcoming album until it leaks or gets released. Whining about tradition is worse than whatever is annoying you in the first place.


Quote from: Freedomsoldier17 on Feb 25, 2016, 01:44 PM
question...has anyone heard Prayers/Triangles on the radio? (besides its premiere, of course)

can i ask this again


I don't know man. I just came back to this place. Haven't been here regularly since Koi was about to be released. Right off the bat people seemed real shitty around here and negative. Like super mean spirited lmao. People PMS'ing or ??


Quote from: Freedomsoldier17 on Mar 01, 2016, 04:31 AM
Quote from: Freedomsoldier17 on Feb 25, 2016, 01:44 PM
question...has anyone heard Prayers/Triangles on the radio? (besides its premiere, of course)

can i ask this again

It's in daily rotation on Sirius XM's Octane station. I dunno about FM radio.


Quote from: xToxin on Mar 01, 2016, 04:36 AM
I don't know man. I just came back to this place. Haven't been here regularly since Koi was about to be released. Right off the bat people seemed real shitty around here and negative. Like super mean spirited lmao. People PMS'ing or ??

It'll die down for the most part when the album gets released. Obviously some people are going to dislike the album or have bad things to say, that's guaranteed for everything, but the petty arguing and hate will mostly go away when we have something interesting to talk about. At the moment all is quiet, we've already shared our thoughts about Prayers/Triangles, so the boredom is coming out.


Could "Doomed User" be the next song to be released and soon? Was just on ITunes and it has the track length by it like P&T...No other songs have track lengths besides those 2. It's 4:26 btw.


This is the first time I haven't heard snippets or singles before the actual release. KNY snippets kind of ruined the whole thing for me, even though I loved those. I guess I overplayed them.


I'm liking Prayers/Triangles even more, the more I listen to it. Definitely not going to skip it. The mood is exactly what I'm looking for in a new Deftones record and I'm confident that Gore will be their best album for me personally, at least for the Sergio era. Just my two cents to counteract all the negativity on this thread...