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Politics, Society etc.

Started by Nailec, Jun 02, 2009, 04:06 PM

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ok your situation there seems pretty much different to ours. if you cant choose from who you can get your energy, then i cant see how the prices would fall.

i dont see how a free market would establish more competition. isnt it possible that competition dissapears because one or two or three big companies rule the whole branch? and every new rival would have a hard time to underbid the prices of the biggies?

not only  the usa but i think almost every country has huge debts (which are not per se a bad thing and necessary to keep unemployement low).
the financial crisis increased these debts pretty much i think.

this leads to a problem of justice between generations. the generation of our parents and grandparents is (indirectly) responsible for the situation now. now they and we need to bleed for it. its pretty much comprehensable for me that our governments need more money from us. and hopefully those governments are clever enough to establish securties that let a financial crisis like this not happen again.

QuoteA true free market buddy.  Make a true even playing field for these "green" companies that want to come up.  Make real competition.
this true competition would only be fought on basis of what energy is more cheap. green energy could not win that fight. you damn know it. nuclear and other fossil energies are jsut too cheap.
the global warming is not about the monetary interest of poor americans. those interests have to step back behind the big threat to whole countrysides.

America has long enough ignored its duties to the whole mankind. the ignorance is not tolerable. no matter what china does.

i am a student with less than 300$ to live per month. i have to buy books, food and clothes for this etc.  nevertheless i decided to receive green energy. now it is almost as cheap as regular electricity because it isnt bound to the oil price and windmills have been supported by our governemnts. people in germany make huge demonstrations when some company declares to build another new coal-fired power station and often enough politics forbid to build those. 

so while we are demanding green energy for everyone, you are demanding for the contrary = the liberty to pollute the planet.


one thing i forgot.

it would be fair if the poors would get financial support from the government if the energy prices rise.

i think lots of people have a hard time to get enough food for their kids but a warm house during winter is a minimum to have in our nations.

there must be other ways to fight national debts. those necessary things arent the place for the government to make money.

what taxes to u actually have? what about a bullshit-tax? for things like alcoholc, tabacco, jewelry. something that would exclusively hit rich people?


You forgot to call Trey a jew hater.



not at all funny.

but im curious y jerry named goldman-sachs as the only winners of this.


Actually, very funny. Because now you probably think I hate jews.


wait wait wait. are you? im uncertain now.


Obviously everyone on this board hates Jews.  I know that none of us know why we hate Jews.   But Nailec can explain it to us.


i hate to repeat myself over and over again.

antisemitic arguments may hav nothing to do with actual jews. they just refer to old jew- stereotypes.

-making a group responsible for a disease (see swine flu and black death)
-claiming, that a small group of people controls the whole planet with their money

a lot of antiamerican, anticapitalistic positions as well as conspiracy make use of those clichés.

it were these argument that actually led to the killing of jews multiple times in history. that is why everyone should be more aware of the danger of such critique as used by jerry.

you have every right decline the term "antisemitism" for those arguments and have a tighter term of antisemitism. but it makes argumentation as the above not a bit better. it remains shortened and dumb to make a group of people repsonsible for everything.


So you're saying that feeling like a specific non-jew organization or person or whatever is responsible for something negative automatically makes you an ant-semite? Where's the logic in that?


"something negative"

that term is too mild. add "that affects or controls a whole society".

if your flush doesn`t work and you curse all those dirty plumbers for it, that wouldn`t be antisemitic ;)

those anti-semitic arguments dont make you an antisemite automatically. just consider the context. if such arguments are made by those who obviously name jewish organizations, individual jews or the state israel in combination with them, then they are clearly antisemitic motivated. before that, those arguments could be explained as a lack of knowledge or intelligence.

while rightist extremists and radical islamists dont hide that they want the destruction of israel, they actually build a so called cross-front to leftists. its not by accident that all three groups wear the palestine-scarf as a symbol and some of their articles just sound like right-winged propaganda.

of course most of the time those leftists are irritated and become angry and defensive when accused with antisemitism (just as jerry). it aims that those people stat to reconsider their argumentation and the fact that they just sound like neonazis.

here is an example:

and american mosquito is shown and its entitled "The Exhausters".

it has been made by a german economy union (that is left) but its pretty similar to former national-socialist-propaganda and therefore can be called antisemitic.


But it has nothing to do with jews or Israel.


right. not directly.

but most of the times you dont have to look too far to find them actually named.

like i am still wondering y jerry brought up goldmann-sachs.


Are you just the grumpiest jew that has ever lived or what? I've known jews that lived through the holocaust that weren't this pissed off.






jews are and have been running the world throughout history, why not be proud of that, i would.  They have always been "God"s chosen people", and if you study their history they have constantly been a fixture in the highest levels of power.  There is a jewish connection with many of the old royal european bloodlines (Merovingians), they obviously have a stranglehold on the worlds financial super structure, and they entertainment industry is basically owned by jews. 

Now why would a docile, insignificant race from some little inconsequential country in the middle east (that they were expelled from numerous times throughout history) have so much power?  And have had so much sway in the history of mankind? 

I'm not an anti semite but i think that SOMETHING is going on,  why would anti semtism even be a word otherwise.  Iv never heard of being anit Italian, or Anti Arab, or anit any other nationality/religion as an understood and widespread feeling

There must be some truth in all the myths

i drink your milkshake


Oh god, I can't wait to see what's coming for you now.