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We're fucked.

Started by bebo, Jul 06, 2010, 06:33 AM

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whatever biznatch, you know you need me there too to provide extra intellect and fellatio.

Another part is the fact that people aren't only economically apathetic/illiterate, but have become economically retarded by all of the Keynesian/Marxian bullshit propaganda so the little they do know and construe as fact is just backwards garbage.  Economic education is definitely where I'd want to start.


Well, fellatio anyways.

And yes, economic education would be a huge start.  But making people give a shit about what their learning would be hard.  Americans just don't care.  It's making people care that is the real challenge. 


Yeah, that's true, but I guess I meant getting economic education to the same forefront as the more pop-culture "intellectual" topics like environmentalism, social justice, etc. that it seems like people (at least those I'm around) are more passionate about.  And I feel like it does have at least some effect when I give people the Peter Schiff spiel and just emphasize how predictable all of these statist trends are.  Definitely in accordance for the most part that people don't really give two shits about the principles of freedom, but I'm just trying to prepare for the collapse of the fiat system when people might actually be ready to listen to some alternatives (big "might" though).

And your yin for totally needs a yang, brah (no homo).


I don't know what all that last part meant, but I think I like it ;)  We would make one hell of an exectutive cabinet, no matter who held what position ( no homo )  So either way, lets do it ( no homo )

I think its going to take a major colapse in American society for people to give a shit.  But I mean major.  Not this little recession where some people had to buy a Ford instead of a Lexus for 5 years.  I mean like massive loss of wealth an property.  Massive hunger and debt.  The majority of Americans lives greatly negativly influenced because of the actions made by the government they ignored and took forgranted and then took advantage of their apathy and ignorance.  
Then maybe the people will care more about their future than they do Brittney Spears.  THEN maybe the people will read something educational, get involved, care about candidates ability to govern rather than their race or how they feel about abortion.  Maybe then people will listen to the "crazy" people who said all of this was going to happen because we took a bunch of paper and said it was worth an empire ( I mean, obviously its crazy to not accept that stacks of paper aren't worth the entire american empire, right? )

Anyways, I'm done ranthing.  But my point is that no body gives a shit because they sit in their little security bubbles and all this talk goes on around them but nothing affects then, therefore they don't care.  They can give as little of a shit as they want, but they still eat and get to smoke their weed every day.  They still have their MP3 player and assume that their kids will grow up in the same world.  Even thaough thats probably not true.  
So someday, when we are all older and our grandkids are starving and the country is in shambles.  People will wish they never read a tabloid, and picked up a fictional book instead and tried to learn something rather than just exhist.  But until then, people like you and I will just continue to be frustrated.  


I'd give it about 9 more years till america is back to city-states and local tribes. Until then I'll be waiting for the rest of you to realize we are all one and the same and can only ascend together.


I'm so proud to be a part of this country... ha.
RIP No More Sugar<3
