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why are deftones music videos so terrible?

Started by beaverwithfishyshoes, Apr 16, 2016, 05:50 PM

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I could float here forever


Because someone still insists that the band be in the videos.

Case in point, Sextape is their best video.




Quote from: Crazylegs on Apr 16, 2016, 06:43 PM
Quote from: LG95 on Apr 16, 2016, 05:58 PM
They're no worse than any other band.

that's just false.
It's not. Music videos are generally shit or just plain boring nowadays because there's no fucking money to make them. Complaining about a band's videos is just weird.
I could float here forever



Never seen any of their videos, I'm too shy to watch them.
I hate White Pony.


I've always enjoyed most of their videos, not sure why there's this presumption that their videos are bad.  Change is probably my favorite - lots of cool imagery, and great performance from the band.  Hexagram (especially from the EPK) is another classic.  Even BQAD was pretty raw yet intimate.  The only video I can't get behind is HITE.


call me crazy but i have the teory ,  ....they dont wat to be remember  for their videos ., just for the music ..


Quote from: buddyboy101 on Apr 16, 2016, 07:06 PM
I've always enjoyed most of their videos, not sure why there's this presumption that their videos are bad.  Change is probably my favorite - lots of cool imagery, and great performance from the band.  Hexagram (especially from the EPK) is another classic.  Even BQAD was pretty raw yet intimate.  The only video I can't get behind is HITE.
Yeah exactly. They have some good videos, some nondescript videos and the odd bad one. I certainly wouldn't describe their videos as 'terrible' I just think they've never really cared about making them.
I could float here forever


I hated Butcher.. So lame. Hite was bad too. Digital and change are my 2 favorites. I'm digging the prayers vid so far! Fits the song well.


Just so I know, what exactly do you guys consider a good music video?
..please don't say 15-minute long Michael Jackson-esque short films.

Personally I believe Deftones have put out some great videos. Like someone else said somewhere, it's much more about the imagery that fits the music than the whole concept and stuff.

i'm confused??


Quote from: LG95 on Apr 16, 2016, 06:51 PM
Quote from: Crazylegs on Apr 16, 2016, 06:43 PM
Quote from: LG95 on Apr 16, 2016, 05:58 PM
They're no worse than any other band.

that's just false.
It's not. Music videos are generally shit or just plain boring nowadays because there's no fucking money to make them. Complaining about a band's videos is just weird.

They ARE worse than some bands videos, hence my previous comment. And the money isn't the problem. The label obviously finds them marketable enough to make several videos for each album.
I wasn't even really knocking the deftones videos, but since we're on the subject, i think they're of the cookie-cutter variety more often than not.


They're very hit and miss for me. I personally love P/T, YSTB, and Change. That being said, HITE, Mein (*shudders*), and Swerve City were some of the shittiest music videos ive ever seen.

Getting flashbacks to breakdancers and fat Chino....

el perro

Hexagram was pretty good! Probably the most authentic video they've done


I like the new one.

At least it's not skateboards and wish it was still 1997.
Quote from: tiger modeThats why we're all here. Deftones - common ground.

Far away

Why do you even care? I mean, you have every right to enjoy music videos, but... when it comes down to them, I do not care. Theres some good ones...but... they are not known for their videos...


What I don't understand is why they haven't started a fan video competition?
I thought I read somewhere that the band doesn't really like to do videos anyway and it's free publicity basically.
They only downside will probably be that if you win, you have to give all the rights to the recordlabel.

I think the Hexagram video is my favorite if you follow the 'musicvideo-with-band-playing' recipe.
Don't care for P/T, a few ideas, mashed into one, and the outcome is lackluster in my opinion. If they were going for contrast, I'm not feeling it.
Or to quote my boyfriend: "they seem to be inspired by screensavers".