Sharing Lungs - Deftones Online Community


Started by therealdaebat, Jan 27, 2016, 06:39 PM

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Did the albums leak before DE? If it's just these two then I think expecting Gore to leak like it's sure to happen is delusive. It can still happen but I won't count on it.


i remember the white pony leak way before like a month or so , for the ST , SNW DE  i dont remember at all, KNYK leak like jus aweek before tho


They all leaked from white pony til now.


S/T only leaked like 6 days early. can't even consider that a leak really. that's as good as it gets leak wise


I miss the days of going in a CD store and picking out a CD or 2 and absolutely playing them out until I knew them like the back of my hand.  There was something kind of exciting about it.  Ripping off the plastic as fast as I could and sometimes cracking the case because I didn't want to pull off the sticker that went across the top.  Those were the days.  Now it's like, oh, so and so's album just came out.  Let me download it and see if it's any good.


Quote from: 2MoreHours on Mar 22, 2016, 12:00 AM
I miss the days of going in a CD store and picking out a CD or 2 and absolutely playing them out until I knew them like the back of my hand.  There was something kind of exciting about it.  Ripping off the plastic as fast as I could and sometimes cracking the case because I didn't want to pull off the sticker that went across the top.  Those were the days.  Now it's like, oh, so and so's album just came out.  Let me download it and see if it's any good.

Haha I feel the same way. I use to go to this music shop named Karma that reeked of incense. I would wander around the store with my 20 bucks, and look at the covers of cds forever of my favorite bands and rappers. Then ultimately decide on a cd. Often times it wasn't even the bands newest release. Sometimes it seemed as though my choices were so random, but ultimately shaped my music taste of today. I wish I would have bumped into Adrenaline a long time ago back then. 


Quote from: HooiserBowhunter on Mar 22, 2016, 12:20 AM
Quote from: 2MoreHours on Mar 22, 2016, 12:00 AM
I miss the days of going in a CD store and picking out a CD or 2 and absolutely playing them out until I knew them like the back of my hand.  There was something kind of exciting about it.  Ripping off the plastic as fast as I could and sometimes cracking the case because I didn't want to pull off the sticker that went across the top.  Those were the days.  Now it's like, oh, so and so's album just came out.  Let me download it and see if it's any good.

Haha I feel the same way. I use to go to this music shop named Karma that reeked of incense. I would wander around the store with my 20 bucks, and look at the covers of cds forever of my favorite bands and rappers. Then ultimately decide on a cd. Often times it wasn't even the bands newest release. Sometimes it seemed as though my choices were so random, but ultimately shaped my music taste of today. I wish I would have bumped into Adrenaline a long time ago back then.

You know how rappers have a couple of tracks with guest rappers?  Well that's how I discovered Deftones.  I was a big Korn fan and the "Wicked" track off of Life is Peachy got me curious.  I was like, "they are friends with Korn so their music is probably cool too." Turns out they were pretty good. lol.  That was a pretty great marketing tool that rappers and bands used.  There were several rappers I got into because I heard them guest on someone else's album so I ended up getting theirs as well.


i discover deftones by korn too, theres was this program korn 25 s favorites videos and i was taping them on VHS  , and aroudn 7 o 8 head , say , here are a long time friends, with shove it or my own summer whats the name, and then  bam the best riff i fell in love with the song , the rest is history ...


Quote from: 2MoreHours on Mar 21, 2016, 09:15 PM
Quote from: N0S3BLEED976 on Mar 21, 2016, 09:06 PM
Quote from: phil for real on Mar 21, 2016, 09:02 PM
Quote from: N0S3BLEED976 on Mar 21, 2016, 08:46 PM
Quote from: phil for real on Mar 21, 2016, 08:13 PM
I miss the days when albums leaked months ahead of schedule.


Why is this a bad thing?  I want to hear the music asap.

Maybe it's not about what you want. Maybe it fucking sucks for the band if their music they've been working on for months just leaks and is available for everyone for free

Yeah but it's awesome for us!  In this day, bands get paid by touring and not so much off of album sales.

It's not about the financial aspect, it's about the band. They were quite disappointed when Diamond Eyes leaked so early, especially because (if my memory is correct) it wasn't even finished with the mixing or mastering or whatever it is, so they were unhappy that the first time people hear this album they'd worked so hard on wasn't even on their own terms, in the way they'd wanted people to hear it.

Chino said a while back that they'd decided not to play any new songs before releasing them, like they usually do, because everything winds up on the Internet, and he didn't like the thought of people first hearing new songs on crappy footage of them playing a song live. So it's a similar thing. It doesn't particularly hurt them financially, but it's not about profits, it's about how they feel.

Leaks are inevitable and they accept that. Hell, Chino was messing with us when the Gore tracklist leaked by confirming it in a funny way, even hinting that Prayers/Triangles would be released soon. But wanting an album to leak a month or two in advance like with Diamond Eyes is crappy for the band.

Quote from: 2MoreHours on Mar 22, 2016, 12:00 AM
I miss the days of going in a CD store and picking out a CD or 2 and absolutely playing them out until I knew them like the back of my hand.  There was something kind of exciting about it.  Ripping off the plastic as fast as I could and sometimes cracking the case because I didn't want to pull off the sticker that went across the top.  Those were the days.  Now it's like, oh, so and so's album just came out.  Let me download it and see if it's any good.

I'm the opposite. I spent so much money buying albums I thought I'd like but hated that I never do it anymore, I always download to make sure I like it before buying it. Obviously not with my favourite bands' albums, I'll pre-order them, but with not-as-obsessed bands or new bands I think I might like, it's not worth taking the chance. Nothing beats CDs though, I always prefer a CD to a digital download.


Guys, guys...  If you want that feeling you had opening a new CD again, get into vinyl.  It's that same feeling, only 100x better because it's vinyl.
9/26/10 - Patriot Center
5/22/11 - Sunset Cove Amphitheater
8/7/12 - Verizon Center
10/26/12 - Ram's Head Live
3/8/13 - House of Blues
10/8/13 - Baltimore Arena
7/31/15 - The Fillmore
8/8/15 - Susquehanna Bank Center
8/3/16 - Pier Six Pavillion
6/14/17 - MGM National Harbor
5/17/22 - The Anthem


Quote from: illthrowROCKS@U on Mar 22, 2016, 01:58 AM
Guys, guys...  If you want that feeling you had opening a new CD again, get into vinyl.  It's that same feeling, only 100x better because it's vinyl.


Quote from: illthrowROCKS@U on Mar 22, 2016, 01:58 AM
Guys, guys...  If you want that feeling you had opening a new CD again, get into vinyl.  It's that same feeling, only 100x better because it's vinyl.

I've always thought vinyl people were hipsterish.  Next thing you know, I'd be putting big plugs in my ears and growing a handlebar mustache. Therefore, I don't want to get into it.


Quote from: illthrowROCKS@U on Mar 22, 2016, 01:58 AM
Guys, guys...  If you want that feeling you had opening a new CD again, get into vinyl.  It's that same feeling, only 100x better because it's vinyl.

Does vinyl sound better? Is that why people do it I honestly do not know?


^Vinyl lovers claim that's the reason but it's largely pretension. It's primarily people who want to believe themselves to be above the plebs who "don't know how music is supposed to really sound." There is surely some small difference but I'd wager that with today's technology, digital actually probably sounds objectively "technically better" than vinyl.


The difference in sound is negligible.

My personal reason for preferring vinyl is for the reason someone spoke of above.  They said they missed the feeling of buying a new CD and opening the wrapper, etc.  It's the process, the event, the act.

It's more "intimate," to me anyway, to open the record, feel the grooves, place the needle on the record, flip to the next side, to actually have to take CARE of the record.  I feel more involved, I feel more a part of the music, if that makes any sense. 

It is also a great conversational piece, and nice for parties when you can have friends going through your collection to find some nice gems.  It always starts a conversation about this record or that record or this artist or that other thing or hey look that's a cool cover.

I'm also a big fan of listening to albums all the way through, not much of a shuffler.  I recognize this can be accomplished with digital audio as well, and of course I do have digital music.  I, of course, use an mp3 player in the car or when I'm out.  But when I'm home, it's vinyl.  I'll never buy a CD again, no need.

Not to mention I'm a fan of art of all kinds, audio and visual, and vinyl is great for people who love art in general for obvious reasons.  It's a mixture of audio art, the music, and the visual art of the album cover.  I've bought albums simply for their cover art before, only to later discover the music isn't half bad either.

Of course, I don't consideer myself "better" than someone who doesn't buy vinyl.  I wouldn't make fun of anyone for not being into it.  If someone doesn't like it, then that's fine.  In fact I perfectly understand why someone wouldn't want to deal with vinyl.  Hell, it's more work (even though that's part of the reason why I like it, I can understand it being a deterrent).  So I wouldn't consider myself "pretentious" about it..  I only brought it up because someone mentioned they missed the feeling they got when opening a new CD for the first time.
9/26/10 - Patriot Center
5/22/11 - Sunset Cove Amphitheater
8/7/12 - Verizon Center
10/26/12 - Ram's Head Live
3/8/13 - House of Blues
10/8/13 - Baltimore Arena
7/31/15 - The Fillmore
8/8/15 - Susquehanna Bank Center
8/3/16 - Pier Six Pavillion
6/14/17 - MGM National Harbor
5/17/22 - The Anthem


And I'm definitely not a hipster either.  I don't dress like one or act like one or look like one at all.  I'm a husband and father who works a full time job, no time for that shit.  I just like music.. a lot.
9/26/10 - Patriot Center
5/22/11 - Sunset Cove Amphitheater
8/7/12 - Verizon Center
10/26/12 - Ram's Head Live
3/8/13 - House of Blues
10/8/13 - Baltimore Arena
7/31/15 - The Fillmore
8/8/15 - Susquehanna Bank Center
8/3/16 - Pier Six Pavillion
6/14/17 - MGM National Harbor
5/17/22 - The Anthem


I still buy the CD from a store and open the CD...........just like I've done the last 20 years.


Quote from: whitefur on Mar 22, 2016, 11:39 AM
I still buy the CD from a store and open the CD...........just like I've done the last 20 years.

Smell the band new book and read the lyrics...
I'm a member of Sharing Leaks...


Quote from: illthrowROCKS@U on Mar 22, 2016, 04:43 AM
The difference in sound is negligible.

My personal reason for preferring vinyl is for the reason someone spoke of above.  They said they missed the feeling of buying a new CD and opening the wrapper, etc.  It's the process, the event, the act.

It's more "intimate," to me anyway, to open the record, feel the grooves, place the needle on the record, flip to the next side, to actually have to take CARE of the record.  I feel more involved, I feel more a part of the music, if that makes any sense. 

It is also a great conversational piece, and nice for parties when you can have friends going through your collection to find some nice gems.  It always starts a conversation about this record or that record or this artist or that other thing or hey look that's a cool cover.

I'm also a big fan of listening to albums all the way through, not much of a shuffler.  I recognize this can be accomplished with digital audio as well, and of course I do have digital music.  I, of course, use an mp3 player in the car or when I'm out.  But when I'm home, it's vinyl.  I'll never buy a CD again, no need.

Not to mention I'm a fan of art of all kinds, audio and visual, and vinyl is great for people who love art in general for obvious reasons.  It's a mixture of audio art, the music, and the visual art of the album cover.  I've bought albums simply for their cover art before, only to later discover the music isn't half bad either.

Of course, I don't consideer myself "better" than someone who doesn't buy vinyl.  I wouldn't make fun of anyone for not being into it.  If someone doesn't like it, then that's fine.  In fact I perfectly understand why someone wouldn't want to deal with vinyl.  Hell, it's more work (even though that's part of the reason why I like it, I can understand it being a deterrent).  So I wouldn't consider myself "pretentious" about it..  I only brought it up because someone mentioned they missed the feeling they got when opening a new CD for the first time.

That sounds pretty cool but also expensive.  I do like the large covers for vinyl albums.  That's probably my favorite part about them.  I've been tempted to get all of the Deftones albums on vinyl but I don't need another expensive hobby right now.


Yeah I am planning to start collecting vinyl this summer, after I buy a record player. I miss the days of collecting music, I still do it with music and games. I dont want to buy cds anymore.

Ill just use spotify like now and for the music I really like, like deftones, buy it all on vinyl. Cant wait!