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65daysofstatic and street carp

Started by ignore the fashion, May 11, 2008, 08:23 AM

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ignore the fashion

recently i've really got into 65daysofstatic, just tonight i downloaded their cd called "Volume 1: 65'" on this they have a weird remix kind of thing or whatever you want to call it using street carp.

i just thought i'd point that out, not sure if it has already or not, but here is the song.

from what i read on wikipedia, the album is rare and was only sold at shows because it contains a lot of samples from movies and such and it would've been hard for them to get all the proper licensing and shit.

65daysofstatic - ....mp3


Nice find, thnaks for this ;) Anyway this mix is...weak


65daysofstatic are great band, saw them couple times.

yeah the remix is kinda sucky, however if 65daysofstatic plaid something like that live, i would consider it *COOL* - as tribute and respect for deftones maybe.