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Bullshit Thread #7

Started by Drop-Dead, Sep 15, 2005, 05:44 PM

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bright lights, big city

i've been reading so much swedish crime fiction, i think i know my way around most of the country. i want in.

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?


i got offered a job in minneapolis, but my god, the pay is crap.

bright lights, big city

that's cool, what's the job?

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?

chick de la lynch

Quote from: blixa on Jan 27, 2016, 11:19 AM
i'm thinking of going to sweden.

I'll join you, my sweet. I have a love affair with Sweden thanks to watching a shit ton of Bergman films over the years.


Quote from: bright lights, big city on Mar 19, 2016, 07:25 AM
that's cool, what's the job?

it's an arts education officer at the walker centre. the pay is so so crap.


she got BUTT


trying to decide whether to message a guy and make the first move or wait for my friend to maybe arrange something. ugh. this sucks.


Quote from: blixa on Apr 03, 2016, 09:34 AM
trying to decide whether to message a guy and make the first move or wait for my friend to maybe arrange something. ugh. this sucks.

Don't let friends arrange stuff, it's not middle school anymore!
Can't you just "randomly" bump into him somehow?

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.


that's the thing. i don't know where he's going to be and when. i roam around in different circles it seems. although i have realised we have two friends in common now and my other mate might tell me where she thinks he'll be so i can be there too. i'm not good at approaching men i'm attracted to and this guy is slightly older than me.


I can't believe you fucking people are still here.


Quote from: Necrocetaceanbeastiality on May 28, 2016, 12:47 AM
I can't believe you fucking people are still here.

Same could go to you !         :)

If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.


Britain leaving the EU, that is bullshit.

bright lights, big city

good to see the U.S. isn't alone in having politicians pull this shit. definitely some real bullshit, man.

! No longer available

Quote from: rock_n_frost
Bright Lights !..Why the fuck are you so damn awesome? Cant you be a piece of shit sometimes?

chick de la lynch

The UK is royally fucked.



Can anyone explain why it's a bad thing? Or is it just "muh globalism, we're all stardust bro, borders aren't real" type of stuff?


i'm going for a drink with a lawyer tomorrow after work. i'm nervous.


Quote from: downtownpony on Jun 25, 2016, 06:19 PM
Can anyone explain why it's a bad thing? Or is it just "muh globalism, we're all stardust bro, borders aren't real" type of stuff?

It's more about the reasons people voted for Britain to exit, shallow propaganda with nothing to back it up, xenophobic older generations that won't be around in a couple of decades to see the repercussions o their decision. Not to mention everyone who voted out despite the vast majority of economy experts warning us how fucked our economy will be if we separate ourselves from Europe.

Northern Ireland and Scotland came out with a remain vote in all, these countries have the potential to become independent from Britain if they have their own referendums, where as Wales, the country I live in unfortunately, does not. Wales receives one of the highest levels of aid from the EU yet only 3 constituencies decided to remain IN.


Quote from: BillyNo.9 on Jun 26, 2016, 03:33 PM
Quote from: downtownpony on Jun 25, 2016, 06:19 PM
Can anyone explain why it's a bad thing? Or is it just "muh globalism, we're all stardust bro, borders aren't real" type of stuff?

It's more about the reasons people voted for Britain to exit, shallow propaganda wi
th nothing to back it up, xenophobic older generations that won't be around in a couple of decades to see the repercussions o their decision. Not to mention everyone who voted out despite the vast majority of economy experts warning us how fucked our economy will be if we separate ourselves from Europe.

Northern Ireland and Scotland came out with a remain vote in all, these countries have the potential to become independent from Britain if they have their own referendums, where as Wales, the country I live in unfortunately, does not. Wales receives one of the highest levels of aid from the EU yet only 3 constituencies decided to remain IN.

"Xenophobic" - stopped reading there.
Catlady ethics, and those that employ them belong in the trash.


Quote from: downtownpony on Jul 02, 2016, 10:27 PM
Quote from: BillyNo.9 on Jun 26, 2016, 03:33 PM
Quote from: downtownpony on Jun 25, 2016, 06:19 PM
Can anyone explain why it's a bad thing? Or is it just "muh globalism, we're all stardust bro, borders aren't real" type of stuff?

"Xenophobic" - stopped reading there.
Catlady ethics, and those that employ them belong in the trash.

If you don't mind my asking, did you vote? I seem to remember you're a Londoner yes?

...  why this keeps coming out as a quote I do not know.